Posted in: call tracking, ClicktoCall

Click-to-call, call tracking, pay-per-call: Your clients don’t want clicks anymore—they want calls!

It is a well-established fact that one of the main concerns for online merchants is attracting as many visitors as possible in the hope of converting them into future customers.

At the same time, it is crucial to lose as few internet users as possible at every stage of the online sales process, especially knowing that the competition is just a click away. The challenge then becomes, as it would in a traditional store, to establish a dialogue with the customer and make the online commercial relationship more "human."

Talk to your visitors and turn them into customers.

For nearly 10 years, innovations in this field on the Internet have been abundant, and the market now offers a wide range of tools and techniques to optimize the all-important conversion rate. However, it must be acknowledged that one of the most effective methods remains telephone contact. It is well established that nothing beats the human voice for closing a sale, especially for complex or high-value transactions, or products with significant added value. Fortunately, technology has evolved in the right direction, and phone connections can now be made without leaving the web session, thanks to services like free and immediate callbacks or "click-to-call" solutions.

Implement a true multi-channel strategy.

"Click to call," also known as Webcallback, allows visitors to your website or any other connected medium (newsletter, banner ads, directories, mobile sites, PDF documents, etc.) to click a simple button and be immediately connected to a customer service representative, such as in a call center. Unlike other solutions, such as toll-free numbers like a Green Number, "click to call" services also enable service providers and online retailers to monitor and control who can switch from the web sales channel to the phone sales channel, as well as when and where this transition occurs.

Such tools enable the development of a true communication strategy between the different sales channels of a business. It is now technically possible to initiate a phone call from your website to your call center while simultaneously providing the customer service representative with the full browsing context of the user they are speaking to. This results in a phenomenal time savings and a significant increase in customer satisfaction! This eliminates any breaks in the chain for all target audiences, including prospects, clients, and subscribers.

Toward a "pay-per-call" remuneration model.

Alongside online acquisition challenges and customer relationship management, technologies enabling phone connections via the internet are also giving rise to new economic models. The "pay-per-call" model is intrinsic to these internet-based telephony services.

"Pay-per-call" is a concept that originated in the United States and can also be considered an economic model. This concept is similar to the "pay-per-click" advertising model, where an advertising network (such as a network or affiliate program) is paid based on the number of clicks generated on an online ad format (banner, display ads, newsletters, etc.). In the case of an affiliate campaign using the "pay-per-call" model, the compensation is no longer based on clicks but on the calls generated and directly received by the advertiser.

Call generation for a business can be done through:

  • Inbound numbers such as geographic numbers or special numbers (premium-rate or not), this is the concept of "Call tracking" (call tracking).
  • An online form generating a call to the advertiser using a "Click to call" service (free callback).

Your clients no longer want clicks; they want calls!

The advantage of "pay-per-call" compared to the already established "pay-per-click" model is the market opportunities it offers. Indeed, for an advertiser, there is no longer a need to have a website to launch an advertising campaign. All that is needed is a simple phone number to start receiving qualified leads, which can come from various channels such as the web, print (paper), radio, TV, and more.

"Pay-per-call" is also perceived as much more effective and tangible by advertisers. Indeed, when an advertiser purchases incoming clicks to their website, they can measure the traffic but struggle to convert it. However, with calls, the advertiser measures their activity in real time and manages customer relationships immediately.

To learn more about Call Tracking or Webcallback (click to call) or to help you implement a service for your telephone acquisition strategies, contact me directly.

Posted in: call tracking

Call Tracking, or call tracking, is a powerful multi-channel measurement tool!

98845696Demystifying Call Tracking

Call Tracking, or tracking the calls, has been around for several years, but for some, it still represents a kind of "black box" that's difficult to understand.
Simply mentioning the term "Call Tracking" during a conference, meeting, or casual discussion can result in a variety of different responses, depending on the profile of your audience.
For the consumer, Call Tracking raises questions about privacy, while on the other side of the equation, entrepreneurs are concerned with the effectiveness of their advertising investments and are highly attentive to being reached by phone in a reliable and immediate manner.
Performance marketing professionals have long understood the importance of such tracking tools in order to provide their clients with precise indicators on the actions they take on their behalf.

It is time to reconcile all these parties by demystifying Call Tracking.

Call Tracking allows you to accomplish many simple and effective tasks, such as:

– Measure the effectiveness of your sales teams or service providers.
– Ensure that no contact is lost and will be followed up with.
– Indicate which channel, both online and offline, is the most effective.
– Track the performance of your lead acquisition campaigns.
– Provide you with a comprehensive view of each campaign.

The end of the channel fragmentation!

Today, thanks to the internet, marketing managers and agencies have become very good at measuring and directly attributing a contact (lead) to one or more online acquisition sources. But what happens when the same prospect picks up the phone to contact a business or merchant?
Without Call Tracking, it is impossible to attribute a contact to a specific source, and all your marketing efforts can collapse in an instant!
For some businesses, the phone channel represents a very significant portion of their daily contacts, and if these are not measured, it can call into question the entire marketing strategies and actions in place.

To address the issue of fragmentation in communication channels, Call Tracking can be implemented in a simple and transparent way for the end consumer. Each point of contact a business has can be easily measured by replacing the traditional phone number at the point of sale with a "tracked" phone number, while still respecting, for example, the company's regional location.

Now, the entire chain of your contact methods can be measured.

– your website
– your mobile website
– your landing pages
– Your advertisement in a local newspaper.
– Your ad in a specialized directory.
– A classified ad
– Your promotion on a placemat
– Your TV or radio commercial
– Your social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
– your QR codes
– etc.

As we can see here, Call Tracking is not only intended to measure call volumes but also to qualify the different communication channels.
In another article, I will detail the "best practices" for Call Tracking and the performance indicators that Call Tracking allows you to obtain.

To learn more about Call Tracking or to help you implement a Call Tracking service, contact me directly.

Posted in: Social Media

Linkedin déploie son option Stories en France

Après le lancement de LinkedIn Stories dans différents pays tels que Brésil, Pays-Bas, Émirats arabes unis, etc., les utilisateurs de LinkedIn en France peuvent désormais accéder à la nouvelle option de mise à jour temporaire du statut à la mode Facebook ou Instagram.

Cette nouvelle option de publication fonctionne à peu près comme sur Facebook et Instagram, avec une barre Stories en haut de votre fil principal (feed), et divers autocollants et outils disponibles pour décorer vos Stories.

Lorsque vous allez visualiser pour la première fois une story LinkedIn, vous êtes invité à vérifier vos paramètres de confidentialité pour la visualisation de ces stories. Pas de panique comme pour les autres paramètres de confidentialité vous pourrez décider de s infos que vous souhaitez communiquer à votre réseau.

LinkedIn offre trois possibilités pour cela : lors de la consultation d’une story, le créateur de la story voit l’une ou l’autre :

  • Votre nom et le titre de votre story
  • Caractéristiques du profil privé (titre et entreprise le plus récent, le cas échéant)
  • Mode privé (anonymat complet)

Le mode de création des stories est assez simple : prenez une photo/vidéo, ajoutez des stickers et du texte, puis publiez.

Attention les videos au format story sont limitées à 20 secondes de durée.

Linkedin assure le déploiement progressif des stories par pays toutes les semaines. Cette nouvelle option La déjà fait l’objet de nombreuses critiques, beaucoup de personnes suggérant que cela ne correspond pas à l’objectif initial d’échanges professionnels de la plateforme. Mais l’introduction de l’option stories suit aussi les tendances des nouvelles générations d’utilisateurs qui préfèrent ces formats au traditionnel fil d’actualité. L’idée est aussi de maximiser l’engagement et les interactions.

Bien evidemment, si vous n’adhérez pas à ce format, vous êtes libre de ne pas l’utiliser, mais il est fort à parier que beaucoup d’utilisateurs de LinkedIn et d’entreprises vont s’en emparer.

A vos stories!

Posted in: Refléxions personnelles

Should I stay or should I go?

Cela fait plus de 5 ans que je n’ai pas mis à jour ce blog. Plusieurs à raisons à cela. Le manque temps pour écrire des articles  en raison d’une aventure entrepreneuriale personnelle qui prend beaucoup d’énergie, une vie de famille (avec l’arrivée d’un 3eme enfant) mais également l’impact des réseaux sociaux tels que Facebook ou instagram qui sont venus inexorablement prendre la place des blogs.

La question du jour est donc « dois-je cloturer définitivement ce blog? » Je cherches par ce billet très court à mesurer également le nombre de lecteurs sur ce blog. Alors si vous lisez ces lignes merci de laisser un petit commentaire. Un simple « je lis » suffira mais vous pouvez également me suggérer d’autres options. A vous lire ou pas…